BlizzCon Canceled

Evan Prather
2 min readMay 27, 2020

It may not come as a surprise, but Blizzard canceled BlizzCon for this year. In an official statement released by Blizzard, they stated the following “Ultimately, after considering our options, we’ve come to the very difficult decision to not have BlizzCon this year.”. No large gaming event (or any event) seems to be safe from the effects of covid-19. E3, Gamescom, and TwitchCon, to name a few, got postponed or canceled as well.

Blizzard, determined to give their fans something to look forward to, stated they will attempt to provide something for fans next year.

“We’re talking about how we might be able to channel the BlizzCon spirit and connect with you in some way online, far less impacted by the state of health and safety protocols for mass in-person gatherings. We’d want to do this as soon as we could, but given that this is new-ish territory and the different factors involved, it will most likely be sometime early next year.”

Some of the most popular games of all time are properties of Blizzard. Including World of Warcraft, StarCraft 1 and 2, the Diablo franchise and Overwatch.

Overwatch 2 is the next big game to come out of Blizzard. So It makes sense that BlizzCon could have been the place to reveal the release date for the game. But it looks like we will have to wait until 2021 to know for sure.

